
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Contact of Souls By Christi Cook Martin

I knew of a love so pure, innocent & fair that became jaded - yet was it jaded beyond repair?

One believed yes, the other no  & so it was left to melt away like the sun melts the snow. 

Then one day the two found each other again  & the magic of their love began to bloom like there had been no end.

Until the pain that each had endured while they were away came to the surface, then their love became questionable- was it truly with purpose?

One believed it still had the strength to conquer any obstacle that came their way ; the other drowned their self with reasons that they were not meant to stay. 

One saw the baggage of the other & believed it was beyond release ,  the other saw that they both carried so much that love, understanding & forgiveness was the only way to peace.

One chose to avoid the challenge of communication & found ways to escape, the other held on hoping for the chance to resolve with nothing left but faith. 

Was the love truly what they once believed it to be- or was is just that one needed the other for a moment & always intended to flee?

There is no doubt the answer is clear, it was definitely not destined to be.

The one who had no desire to try proved they never cared,  the other looked like a fool believing their love was shared.

However the story doesn’t end sad, the fool learned so much they ended up glad.

No time was wasted, it was a lesson in disguise, the fool knows now how much love they had caged inside.

A love so amazing that one day they will share,  with a partner that will return their love without despair.
Toxic Energy

This day I truly realized what beauty is....
I saw beauty looking out the window....
I heard beauty in the songs of the birds...
I smelled beauty in the scent of a flower...
I felt beauty from the warmth of the sun...
I tasted beauty in the sweet lips of another...
I observed beauty looking within my own heart...
Beauty is within all things; living, dead, good & bad for all these things give life & take life. 
Allow destruction & allow creation & all of these things ensure the universe continues which is the most beautiful thing of all.


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