
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Learner of Life by Arun Agaral 29.04.2020

Today i don't have anything to write but be a learner

 I just want to ask questions and seek answers

They say Life is a Journey ..but journey of what? Is it a journey towards a Welfare Nation? 

Also another question that comes to mind is - In this scenario they say journey is good is the journey more desirable or the destination a welfare nation?

How many are into this journey ?

Journey or destination ?

This Morning (April 25th, 20-20 while watching a show on TV The latest version of Mahabharata on Star Channel I got answers to above questions and they made so much sense. I need time to translate them to English. Hopefully if i get a time i will post it out here )

Also, a question was put up: What are you grateful for Today?

I am grateful for being a learner in life /of life and this universe presenting all the opportunities to me to learn a lot of new things each day so that i can become a best version of myself for the world and work towards fulfilling my dream of making this world a WELFARE NATION. 

Thankyou so much for such a nice question

Arun Agarwal April 29th 20-20

Contact of Souls By Christi Cook Martin

I knew of a love so pure, innocent & fair that became jaded - yet was it jaded beyond repair?

One believed yes, the other no  & so it was left to melt away like the sun melts the snow. 

Then one day the two found each other again  & the magic of their love began to bloom like there had been no end.

Until the pain that each had endured while they were away came to the surface, then their love became questionable- was it truly with purpose?

One believed it still had the strength to conquer any obstacle that came their way ; the other drowned their self with reasons that they were not meant to stay. 

One saw the baggage of the other & believed it was beyond release ,  the other saw that they both carried so much that love, understanding & forgiveness was the only way to peace.

One chose to avoid the challenge of communication & found ways to escape, the other held on hoping for the chance to resolve with nothing left but faith. 

Was the love truly what they once believed it to be- or was is just that one needed the other for a moment & always intended to flee?

There is no doubt the answer is clear, it was definitely not destined to be.

The one who had no desire to try proved they never cared,  the other looked like a fool believing their love was shared.

However the story doesn’t end sad, the fool learned so much they ended up glad.

No time was wasted, it was a lesson in disguise, the fool knows now how much love they had caged inside.

A love so amazing that one day they will share,  with a partner that will return their love without despair.
Toxic Energy

This day I truly realized what beauty is....
I saw beauty looking out the window....
I heard beauty in the songs of the birds...
I smelled beauty in the scent of a flower...
I felt beauty from the warmth of the sun...
I tasted beauty in the sweet lips of another...
I observed beauty looking within my own heart...
Beauty is within all things; living, dead, good & bad for all these things give life & take life. 
Allow destruction & allow creation & all of these things ensure the universe continues which is the most beautiful thing of all.


Saturday, April 18, 2020

GREAT WISDOM BY OSHO (REJNEESH) applicable in this COVID ERA One of India's Greatest Spiritual Guru

ओशो, गजब का ज्ञान दे गये।
(करोना जैसी जगत बिमारी के लिए)

७० के दशक में हैजा महामारी के रूप में पूरे विश्व में फैला था, तब अमेरिका में किसी ने ओशो रजनीशजी से प्रश्न किया - 

"इस महामारी से कैसे बचे ?"

और ओशो ने विस्तार से समझाया, जो आज कोरोना के सम्बंध में भी बिल्कुल प्रासंगिक है।

"यह प्रश्न ही आप गलत पूछ रहे है। प्रश्न ऐसा होना चाहिए था, कि महामारी के कारण मेरे मन में मरने का जो डर बैठ गया है, उसके सम्बन्ध में कुछ कहिए, इस डर से कैसे बचा जाए ?"

"क्योंकि वायरस से बचना तो बहुत ही आसान है, लेकिन जो डर आपके और दुनिया के अधिकतर लोगो के भीतर बैठ गया है, उससे बचना बहुत ही मुश्किल है। अब, इस महामारी से कम, लोग इस डर के कारण ज्यादा मरेंगे। 'डर' से ज्यादा खतरनाक इस दुनिया में कोई भी वायरस नहीं है। इस डर को समझिये, अन्यथा मौत से पहले ही आप एक जिंदा लाश बन जाएँगे।"

"यह जो भयावह माहौल आप अभी देख रहे है, इसका वायरस आदि से कोई लेना देना नहीं है। यह एक सामूहिक पागलपन है, जो एक अन्तराल के बाद हमेशा घटता रहता है। कारण बदलते रहते है। कभी सरकारो की प्रतिस्पर्धा, कभी कच्चे तेल की कीमते, कभी दो देशो की लड़ाई, तो कभी जैविक हथियारो की टेस्टिंग ! इस तरह का सामूहिक पागलपन समय-समय पर प्रगट होता रहता है। व्यक्तिगत पागलपन की तरह, कौमगत, राज्यगत, देशगत और वैश्वीक पागलपन भी होता है। इस में बहुत से लोग या तो हमेशा के लिए विक्षिप्त हो जाते है, या फिर मर जाते है।"

"ऐसा पहले भी हजारो बार हुआ है, और आगे भी होता रहेगा। और आप देखेंगे कि आनेवाले बरसो में युद्ध तोपो से नहीं, बल्कि जैविक हथियारो से लडे जाएंगे।"

"लेकिन में फिर कहता हूं, हर समस्या मूर्ख के लिए डर होती है, जबकि ज्ञानी विद्वानो के लिए अवसर ! इस महामारी में आप घर बैठिए, पुस्तके पढिये, एक्सरसाइज कीजिये, शरीर को कष्ट दीजिए, व्यायाम कीजिये, फिल्मे देखिये, योग कीजिये। एक माह में १५ किलो वजन घटाइए, चेहरे पर बच्चो जैसी ताजगी लाइये, अपने शोक पूरे कीजिए। मुझे अगर १५ दिन घर बैठने को कहा जाए, तो में इन १५ दिनो में ३० पुस्तकें पढूंगा। और नहीं तो एक बुक लिख डालिये, इस महामन्दी में पैसा इन्वेस्ट कीजिये। ये अवसर है, जो बीस तीस साल में एक बार आता है। पैसा बनाने का सोचिए, कहाँ बीमारी की बाते करते है।"

"ये 'भय और भीड़' का मनोविज्ञान सब के समझ नहीं आता है, 'डर' में रस लेना बंद कीजिए। आमतौर पर हर आदमी डर में थोड़ा बहुत रस लेता है, अगर डरने में मजा नहीं आता, तो लोग भूतहा फिल्म देखने क्यों जाते ? ये एक सामूहिक पागलपन है, जो अखबारो और टीवी के माध्यम से भीड़ को बेचा जा रहा है। लेकिन सामूहिक पागलपन के क्षण में आपकी मालकियत छिन सकती है। आप महामारी से डर सकते है, तो आप भी भीड़ का ही हिस्सा है।"

ओशो कहते है - "टीवी पर खबरे सुनना, या अखबार पढ़ना बंध करे। ऐसा कोई भी विडियो या न्यूज़ मत देखिये, जिससे आपके भीतर डर पैदा हो। महामारी के बारे में बात करना बंद कर दीजिए। डर भी एक तरह का आत्म-सम्मोहन ही है। एक ही तरह के विचार को बार-बार थोपने से शरीर के भीतर रासायणिक बदलाव होने लगता है, और यह रासायणिक बदलाव कभी कभी इतना जहरीला हो सकता है, कि आपकी जान भी ले ले। महामारीओ के अलावा भी बहुत कुछ दुनिया में हो रहा है, उन पर ध्यान दीजिए।"

"ध्यान-साधना से साधक के चारो तरफ एक प्रोटेक्टिव औरा बन जाता है, जो बाहर की नकारात्मक उर्जा को उसके भीतर प्रवेश नहीं करने देता है। अभी पूरी दुनिया की उर्जा नाकारात्मक हो चुकी है, ऐसे में आप कभी भी इस ब्लैक-होल में गिर सकते है। ध्यान की नाव में बैठ कर ही आप इस झंझावात से बच सकते है।"

"शास्त्रो का अध्ययन कीजिए, साधू संगत कीजिए, और साधना कीजिए। विद्वानो से सीखे, आहार का भी विशेष ध्यान रखिए, स्वच्छ जल पीए।"

"अंतिम बात - धीरज रखिए, जल्द ही सब कुछ बदल जाएगा। जब तक मौत आ ही न जाए, तब तक उससे डरने की कोई ज़रूरत नहीं है। और जो अपरिहार्य है, उससे डरने का कोई अर्थ भी नहीं है। डर एक प्रकार की मूढ़ता है। अगर किसी महामारी से अभी नहीं भी मरे, तो भी एक न एक दिन मरना ही होगा, और वो एक दिन कोई भी दिन हो सकता है। इसीलिए विद्वानो की तरह जीये, भीड़ की तरह नहीं !!

- ओशो
('में मृत्यू सिखाता हूं' किताब से).

Thursday, April 16, 2020

"DECODING YOU' from an Astrologers point of view


A Self learned Astrologer who has learned things practically decodes you like this.

They are better at giving results, self trained are more practical people. The theorist/degree holders  have all the qualifications but when it comes to deliver results they are taken aback.

The Decoding goes like this:


I found some things with your birth details that speak of a deeper you, an inner you that may relate to what you know about yourself or may not - in case of the latter it will link to many things present in your life and things you see or feel in them all, and do not consider finding a full stop to your undefined and incomplete sketch of self.

1) You have a very good understanding of social relations, the complexity and relative weights that rule social experience and have learnt to see that as an integral part of having a space for yourself in the world - you accept a lot because life has to be habitable. Nevertheless you do not completely agree with sticking to the norm but this is not something you would have articulated for yourself in life, i.e.outside of yourself. 

2) You try and take this force of learnt stability or harmony versus the knowing that it is not all nor is it true (up till now) and put it in outward work or career - you let your status or social standing be a safe zone for reflecting to others what you really feel about society and it's norms of all kinds. You are an internal rebel in an outer representation role.

3) Your early development has involved a serious emphasis on controlling your drives and energy in relation to where society was then and what could not have been shared with it at that time - this is a reserve of energy that was consciously developed (related to possibly your father etc) and which guides you throughout your life to have the sharpest focus for it's use and the inner logic for being involved in your career.

4) Your own feelings on the social front have always been reflected in your mother and in her own experience of life. You were innately protective of her and in many ways she has been your child.

5) From the above points I want to go straight to your experience and inner placement with respect to your friend circle or peers or those you'd like to have had some counting influence on - you don't feel a genuine relation with any of them and the feeling of being an outsider remains as a mystery. You would remember how this might have started off on wealth, abundance, free availability of resources with them and not you when you were small and you would not have been concretely affected but the impression lasts; because it carries an information about your self and also your life. That information even now shapes and guides things. So you like to be a guide and an uplifting jovial presence to them all, almost making 'teaching' your method, your mask, and also a joy. Your teaching speaks to you too. But you hear a finer voice - both you and your connected peers are not what you really feel inside. There could be a longing to have another expression, a more encompassing explanation or 'song' to your life - that you would love to share when it happens on its own;for now you may not think you would ever want to give that to the world.

6) I find a possibility of two people as having crossed your life path leaving a mark - one is a spiritual religious teacher (not exactly guru) from where you have internalised to be loud in good beliefs and to share them with the world while knowing your purpose in it, and the other is a girl, a cause you may have understood or privately committed to - it's about believing in her worth, self-standing and being her champion in the face of her larger and long-running place in the forces of the world. This a quieter, more authentic part of your wisdom understanding. And this girl seems to be 'quiet' in her own way.

7) There is a good hold and first hand understanding of religion in society and social relations coming from how the two intersect, and a backdrop of learning from it and marking a cleaner protection zone against all such. 
This is outwardly reflected in a more modern interest in non-religious and a more humane fulfilling open, liberal outlook. Devotion is not exactly an interest at this point but that's another story to come.

8) Spirituality for you though will come through if you respect the strands of religious development and social progress that have evolved over time and look for meanings - study them so to say - and make that your personal endeavour, different from how you do the same in front of others. I see that you have a gift for probing care-fully into social development and metaphysics (how philosophies were originally birthed). This may be far away from where you are today but with what you already think in your head (automatically), it's just one private step away from looking for the 'teachings' where the noise and the crudity have taken space. This will also then link to making travel for these sights of golden significance, like an archaeologist's field. You will find many clues here and also the real road away from all your friends and influence quarters. 
Try and learn whatever you can about people in different vocations, examples in professional duty with empathy connecting things for you about how people serve. This will create less alienation, and empower you to better shape your dreams - they will become translatable into action. This will be meaningful to you.

9) There is some link between food and service (with noble intentions) that can be linked to your professional front. Something you are thinking of that sort or something that is already there.

10) When I mentioned self-control and protection I did not bring in the aspect of fear or a backdrop that inhibits or curtails action.  Somewhere or the other there is a place like that in our lives. With you your empathetic, healing, benevolence-wishing nature is also a medicine, an antidote to parts in this space where things have been known, yet never known fully, in a way that they still continue (just inside). The mind is long liberated in it's clear alignment and choice but the being knows differently. The output is satisfactory, looks good but trembling still persists and conviction feels still something else - it could be something else that will be it, because this is not the whole voice, the whole joy. 

The current time is ideal to look into this remote unlit area, to feel it, and commit to enlighen it. This year - all year round, there will be many opportunities to look at this from all angles and bring something to a close, so something more can progress.
It will be fruitful to undertake this kind of engagement or study in the next week lasting a few months. You may have glimmers of insights or connections. There will also then be a call to action, inner or outer but something in the hidden would be touched and acted upon.

11) As all of the above processes build up you will be filled with a new self-light of containment and understanding (the known and the previously unknown will both lose signficance for meaning). You will know the purpose, any pain would have left, and effort that never needed to be made will not even draw your energy. 

A little note - if you have opportunities to invest in movie-related anything in any capacity it might show you a very different inner life. Otherwise, something looks like you'll be inclined to start seeing your own drive through life as if from the director's side of the screen, still experiencing the light show only from the inside!

A last preparatory clue - in the end there will be forms, God in forms and you will find yourself helpless by the doorstep of devotion. These forms hurt, and they haunt. Fear to devotion.

I was busy, then exhausted, and looking at your data to think on, I learnt by slowing down and remembering the bigger picture. 
I kept my promise"

Wednesday April 15, 20-20

I have not seen a better astrology decoding than this, except the one which was made when I was born. That still and till date is the best Astrological Summary I have seen.

Astrology is a very practical science. It has a lot of mathematical calculations and when used properly, it has numerous benefits. I certainly recommend to us it wisely. Someone said, if you are able to decode it, life is a piece of cake. How right, only time will tell.

Arun Agarwal
April 16, 20-20

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Life Essence 

Whenever I am lost in the valleys of nostalgia (especially these days ), many petty, yet moving memories haunt me. This is one such blog .................. Words by Sandeep Atlani


I still remember  my working for a public sector oil company In Mumbai. Those were my initial days in the world of reality. One sunny morning, while walking towards the train compartment I heard a distinct laughter echoing on the platform. There was something so compelling about it that I had to look at its source! There I saw an energetic aunty laughing, joking and emanating positivity.

For the next couple of days, I took the same train to work. On one of these days, our eyes met and we exchanged smiles. Coincidentally, we started bumping into each other in the evening train from Bandra while returning home as well. 

Gradually, we started talking and within no time we were chatting away on our way back home - the daily return journey became extremely exciting. So much so that I would run with all my might to board that train while returning home in the evening. And landing my feet on it gave me a renewed sense of achievement each day. Our conversations were varied - ranging from home to work, our families, office, picnics, vacations, Diwali, Christmas - just about everything!

Then one day, during a regular conversation, aunty mentioned that she had six months  to retire. I was shocked. She appeared too young to retire. Then, I told myself, "Six months ! Long way to go!" As days passed, I developed a certain fondness for her. We met or at least saw each other almost every day. The next 20-25 minutes were purely our 'we' time, reserved for updating each other about the latest happenings. Every time we met, we caught up from where we left.

Time passed and finally we were in the penultimate week  of her retirement ." A sense of vacuum started filling me. Although, we met frequently, I did not quite like the feeling of being one day closer to the day she would retire. But time doesn't wait. It was last week now - it was indeed an eventful week - her birthday party in the train and retirement party that her family hosted. Her birthday celebrations in the train, truly one of a kind (I never saw so much fun in a birthday party), kept me unwittingly smiling through the day. The retirement party lived up to aunty's spirit. And finally, the day of farewell arrived with charged up emotions and and an inexpressible hollowness.

Aunty barely stayed  half a kilometre away from my home, not being able to meet her was never a concern. But, I knew that my train  journeys would never be the same again - I would miss her smile, her magnetic laughter, our conversations...I would simply miss her.
Today, it's been many years from the day aunty retired and I too left the place.The hollowness has faded, but memories of times spent with her will last throughout my life. Little did I know many years ago that my daily commute could give me such treasured memories!

I text her, I talk to her. But more than all this, I deeply miss her!

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Quiet the mind and follow the Soul

Quiet The Mind and The Soul Will Speak- Anonymous

Quiet the mind 


The soul will speak 


Cant find a better and simplest explanation than above.

Thats it!!!! April 1st , 20-20

Further today April 11, 20-20 further improvising on it

Some thoughts again on Emptiness- Alone- Higher self - Higher Connection


It's very important to keep the mind empty. For any attachment with anything is a hurdle. The mind should be silent.

The more I try to connect the bigger the hurdle is getting. Then there is pain. Then there is delay. 

Then there is a situation which you do not enjoy at all. So the final conclusion is stay alone stay single stay empty stay quiet. Put your time on important things and find solutions for the real bigger things in life. 

Make time real constructive. Its all in being fully empty.

AA April 11th, 20-20

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Sitting in my Balcony, 

Under the Sunshine, 

The Warmth is reaching my soul,

Sitting in my balcony.

The View of Blossoming Trees,

A Buzzing Sound in my ears, 

Still sitting in my balcony 

My Soul soothing and blooming , 

Thanks to the Sunshine.

With Sparks and Twinkle in my eyes, 

Today I feel light. 


April 1st, 20-20

Rajnikant Jokes

When Rajnikant was studying in 3rd standard....someone stole his rough note &
Now they call it as .............Wikipedia

Crazy people!!!! ;)


When Rajnikant was a Student…!!!

Teachers use to Bunk the classes!!!


Rajnikant started college. All student were confused while taking admission because name of college is
"Rajnikant's Medical College of Engineering for Commerce".


Rajnikant purchased a road roller…

Guess why??????

To Iron his Clothes……………………………


Rajnikant was shot today..
Funeral of the bullet is tomorrow…:D


Once a farmer replaces scare crow in the farm with Rajnikant's statue…

.And Birds returned grains they took last year as well


If Rajni works in BPO, clients would work in shifts! :D

Rajinikant got 150 questions in exam paper asking - "Solve any 100 questions"

He solved all 150 and wrote, " Rascalla!, CHECK ANY 100!"


One day Rajani thought to play cricket in monsoon and rain stopped due to play….


Tonight at 9 Rajani can be seen in the sky… as he is participating in the Asian Games' high jump event…


What do you think Vodafone 3G tag line should be :-
Faster ..

No it should be (strictly)


Mind it

Rajnikanth's next project is the Titanic in Tamil. However, Rajni has twisted the climax. Both the lead actors survive. Rajni swims
across the Atlantic Ocean with the heroine in one hand and... the Titanic in the other


"Rajnikanth doesn't breathe…air comes to hide in his lungs"


"Who says the world will be destroyed in Dec 2012…..Rajnikant just bought a Laptop with three years warranty"…..:P

Rajni can walk  faster than light….

"Rajni cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another".

Law of Conservation of Rajni

All scientists failed to answer this but rajnikanth did...
Ques: Which liquid turns solid on heating?
Ans: Dosa... mind it!!!

Once a photo of Rajnikant was given for Xerox. Don't even try to guess what happened…
We got two copies of the Xerox machine.


One more:

Once upon a time
Rajnikant used Tooth Powder to get strong teeth

Today that powder is known as


Daughter is Daughter- No One Can Match what a daughter does for her parents


A couple made a deal the night of their Marriage to NOT open the door of their room to anybody who comes knocking in the morning for any reason!

In the morning the parents of the husband came and knocked on the door, the husband and the wife were looking at each other and as they agreed before, they didn't open the door.

After a while the parents of the bride came knocking at the door to check on them, the couple were looking at each other, then the bride dropped a tear and started crying she said:        "I cannot keep them knocking & not open the door, I miss them already" husband didn't say anything & he let her open the door for her parents.

Years & years passed & the couple had 5 children, the first ones were boys & the 5th was a little girl, when she was born the father was extremely happy that Almighty blessed him with her, & he threw a Huge Party for her in Grand style, people were so amazed with his joy & his happiness that they asked him, why are you so happy with her more than
you were before with her older brothers?

He answered simply: "She is the one who will open the door for me"

Baby girls are the comfort of the eyes of their father!

They hold the key to their mothers hearts!

Daughters are really unique. They care for their parents even after they are married.

Its rightly said, "A son is a son till he gets a Wife,                         a daughter is a daughter the rest of her Life!

Dedicated to all Daughters & Daughter in Laws ..

Saturday, April 4, 2020


The noblest lesson embodied in the Ramayana is the supreme importance of RIGHTEOUSNESS in the life of every human being. RIGHTEOUSNESS is the spiritual spark of life. Cultivation of righteousness is the process of unfoldment of the latent divinity in man.  Lord Rama has exemplified the path of RIGHTEOUSNESS. 

Let mankind follow His footsteps and practise the ideals cherished by Him, for it is only through RIGHTEOUSNESS that there can be everlasting peace, prosperity and welfare in this world.

None but the righteous can be truly happy. None but he who has the correct sense of duty and the will for its implementation can be said to live worthily. 

One must be imbued with a definite conviction about the supremacy of moral principles, ethical values and spiritual ideals. These ought to guide one’s day-to-day actions and serve as powerful means for the culture of the human personality. 

That is the purpose of life.

That is the way to Self-realisation. 

That is the message and the mission of Lord Rama’s fife on earth.


Today I have a direct question to the doctors I know. A few of my friends, including me have some doubts.

On one hand they say #COVID2019 has no cure and no vaccine is ready yet.

On the other hand people are getting cured?  


 It is a little bewildering

I understand that  there is no medicine as such and that is what I know so far. How they cure is something I also now what to know thought to ask you all,  who are treating such patients directly.

Coronavirus Letter To Humanity

Coronavirus Letter To Humanity 

The earth whispered but you did not hear. 
The earth spoke but you did not listen
The earth screamed but you turned her off. 

And so I was born...

I was not born to punish you.. 
I was born to awaken you..

The earth cried out for help...

Massive flooding. But you didn't listen. 
Burning fires. But you didn't listen. 
Strong hurricanes. But you didn't listen. 
Terrifying Tornadoes. But you didn't listen. 

You still don't listen to the earth when
Ocean animals are dying due to pollutants in the waters. 
Glaciers melting at an alarming rate. 
Severe drought. 

You didn't listen to how much negativity the earth is receiving.

Non-stop wars. 
Non-stop greed. 

You just kept going on with your life..
No matter how much hate there was.. 
No matter how many killings daily.. 
It was more important to get that latest iPhone than worry about what the earth was trying to tell you..

But now I am here.  

And I've made the world stop on its tracks. 
I've made YOU finally listen. 
I've made you take refuge. 
I've made you stop thinking about materialistic things.. 

Now you are like the earth... 
You are only worried about YOUR survival. 

How does that feel?  

I give you fever.. as the fires burn on earth. 
I give you respiratory issues.. has pollution fill the earth air. 
I give you weakness as the earth weakens every day.  

I took away your comforts.. 
Your outings.  
The things you would use to forget about the planet and its pain.  

And I made the world stop... 

And now... 
China has better air quality.. Skys are clear blue because factories are not spewing pollution unto the earth's air. 
The water in Venice is clean and dolphins are being seen.  Because the gondola boats that pollute the water are not being used.  

YOU are having to take time to reflect on what is important in your life.  

Again I am not here to punish you.. I am here to Awaken you... 

When all this is over and I am gone... Please remember these moments.. 

Listen to the earth. 
Listen to your soul. 
Stop Polluting the earth. 
Stop Fighting among each other. 
Stop caring about materialistic things. 
And start loving your neighbors. 
Start caring about the earth and all its creatures.  
Start believing in a Creator. 

Because next time I may come back even stronger....


Written by: Vivienne R Reich

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