
Saturday, May 16, 2020

What is Love ? By Mira Myra

❤️What is Love❤️?! 
The concept of love is understood by many as having a romantic meaning and being attributed to love between two people or between people in general, so it is indeed, but love is not only just that😊 So let's look at it from a different angle.. 

From ancient times, different cultures talk about love, as that physical, mental and spiritual union, that connection between people, and respectively of people with the rest of existence.
I would like to say briefly what love is, by emphasizing what love is not! Love does not mean: attachment, possessiveness, jealousy, restraint, suffocation, reproach, injustice, depreciation. If you love someone you set them free! 

Love is not just a feeling, an emotion, or just a connecting energy; love is the creative force that underlies creation! It is an attribute of power and a form of manifestation of the Soul, in fact we have incarnated to learn what love is, and we can do this only by experimenting ' love in matter' , which is nothing but the manifestation of God ( I hope you understand, that in order to experience anything, it has to be in a dense form, which is matter/darkness).
Love is definately a catalyst for transformation! In order to be able to love, you must first "understand" everything, and come to understand through cultivation.

People manifest love from its three levels: Self (the hidden / dark side of being), Soul and Higher Self (Consciousness).

1. Self-manifested love is associated with 'sexualized love' and tends to be the most "popular" - so to speak. At the level of the self there is the sexual attraction between people, that 'chemistry' that was consumed, when those two selves harmonized and known each other completely.
At this level, love towards material goods and things is manifested, towards carnal, pleasures and desires. This is where attachments develop and the relationships at this level are usually karmic.. 
This is a type of love, but far inferior to it, that must be cultivated in order to ascend to the next level, the Soul.

2. Love at the level of the Soul is unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness. 
*Here we transcend physical connection and start to manifest love towards everything and feel a deeper connection with our Self and others. 
*Here we learn the importance of forgiveness of thyself and others, to understand that forgiveness is the precursor of Love and is the only true medicine for the Soul. 
*Here we learn what it means to speak to the world through the language of love, because everyone perceives love in a certain way and has its own language to express and experience love, so we must learn to speak to the world through the language of love, this is very important! At this level there is a transfer of soul and we must be very careful how much, how and to whom we offer not to lose from our soul.
To love from this level means to manifest the Spirit in Love, it means to understand what love is by cultivating the inner light; This means that as you reach a higher / refined level of light (Consciousness) , no action and nothing negative from the outside will touch or affect you, thus you can manifest unconditional love.
You will look with wise eyes up to the darkness, and you will understand that it is an integral part of you and of everything, and it is necessary in manifestation and enlightenment. ☯️You will no longer try to eliminate the darkness, but through love you will learn how to control it! ☯️ From here Love can be cultivated and ascend at the next level of being. 

3.Love at the Divine level
From this level you get to look at everything in an overall picture, you can only see the bigger picture, you start to see everything as a whole and look at everything gently; you will experience love as a union and you will have a deep sense of Oneness. It will be difficult to conceive at this level that you can love a person or a limited number of people, because the notion of division no longer exists.

*Here you get to experience Absolute Love, which transcends space and time and you understand that everything is a manifestation of God. 
* Here you experience total detachment, all attachments will disappear completely and the concept of "I" no longer exists. 
*Here your manifestations will be effortlessly convincing and you will automatically attract the love of others. 
*Here you understand love by finding inner peace as you perceive love being the path to happiness. You understand that love is a 'way' and not just a feeling. 
*Here you will feel someone wherever you are! 

I have more to say but is lengthy already 😁 hope you enjoyed❤️

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